[myvo] Murders in Volume 2. [Henry Gamadge] First published in book form in 1941. A nice bit of antiquarian mystery centering on a missing volume from an undistinguished set of Byron published in Philadelphia before 1840; the kind of set that no one could possibly be interested in. In 1840 volume 2 disappears along with an English governess; 100 years alter the volume - and the governess? - reappears. | For some reason this title is a little scarcer than the others; the Berkley paperback is very difficult to find, and Bantam did not include it in its 1980's reissues.
[fr41.41] Murders in Volume 2.
New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1941. vi, 308p. hardcover.
Published March 6, 1942.
[pi42.40] Murders in Volume 2.
Philadelphia: Philadelphia Inquirer, 1942. 20p. newspaper supplement.
Sun., Sep 6, 1942. "Gold seal novel, complete in this issue".
[es43.43] Murders in Volume 2. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1943. 181p. hardcover. [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris | |
[pn44.42] Murders in Volume 2.
New York: Penguin USA, 1944. 217p. mass market pbk.
Cover image via bookscans.com.
[ri60.10] [in] An Elizabeth Daly Mystery Omnibus .
New York: Rinehart & Co, 1960. 308, 245, 245p. hardcover.
[bk64.44] Murders in Volume 2.
New York: Berkley, 1962. 176p. mass market pbk.
F629. This particular edition is much harder to find than the other Berkley printings. Berkley F628, John Creasey, Death of an Assassin, and F630, Ngaio Marsh's A Man Lay Dead are both readily available on the used book market.
Cover image via Browne Popular Cuture Library, BGSU.
[op94.39] Murders in Volume 2.
New York: Otto Penzler Books, 1994. trade pkb. Isbn: 1883402522.
The cover image imbeds a replication of the jacket from the Farrar first edition.
Cover image via LibraryThing.
[fm05.38] Murders in Volume 2.
New York: Felony & Mayhem Press, 2005. 228p. trade pkb. Isbn: 1933397012.