The Classic Thriller Series from J. M. Dent and Everyman Paperbacks

A Checklist

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A sampling of series front and rear covers
Series Listings

PDF Listing by Author & Title - PDF Listing by Author & Date Sources and Acknowledgements


The Classic Thriller series was published by the great British publishing company J. M. Dent & Sons, within it's Everyman Paperbacks line, late in Dent's existence. The series published from 1983 though 1989, producing an interesting list of classic British thrillers. Dent was the original publisher of Everyman's Library, so I suppose the use of the word "classic" for this series is a bit of a play on the older series. The titles in the Classic Thriller series were classic because (1) they are of some renown and (2) they were no longer new. Its a very good quality reprint series; Eric Ambler and Geoffrey Household wrote books that can be arguably considered as classics in the fullest sense of that word; Sapper and Dornford Yates produced books that are notable examples of popular taste at a certain place and time.

The series has a uniform appearance. The front cover has a simple one-color border, with the "Classic Thrillers" logo at the top, author and title on separately colored backgrounds, and then a color painting , typically stylized, of a scene from the story. The back cover has a summary, an "Everyman Paperbacks" identifier, and the name of the artist who produced the cover illustration. The title page gives "J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd, London and Melbourne" as the publisher, sometimes "London, Toronto and Melbourne". The year of publication of the Classic Thriller edition is given on the verso of the title page.

Series Listings

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