Everyman's Library 1991 - 2022
[The New Series] A Checklist
Various styles of dust jacket fronts |
The Pocket Poets series began in November of 1993, with the release of six titles: collections of five poets ( Baudelaire,
Dickinson, Rosetti, Shelley and Stevens) and a collection of love poems. For the next few years there were similar
releases - small anthologies of various poets and the occasional anthology. Around the year 2000 that ratio reversed,
and since them the series has veen heavily oriented towards anthologies; one assumes the publishers have
successfully tapped the gift market.
The Pocket Poet volumes are small books with usually 256 pages. Unlike all the other volumes associated
with Everyman's Libary, these may have glued rather than sown bindings. Quite a few of the titles seem to have
not been published in the UK. See
the status page for more detail.