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Erle Stanley Gardner: A Bibliography

The D.A. Takes a Chance - Editions and Variants

[omtc] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. [Other Mysteries] First published in book form in October 1948.

Cover image from William Morrow edition of 1948 [wm48.1673] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. New York: William Morrow, 1948. 276p. hardcover. Cover image via LibraryThing. [References] WorldCat [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
[dbc48b.1423] Gardner, Erle Stanley. [as] Detective Book Club Triple-Decker for November 1948. Roslyn: Walter J Black, 1948. hardcover. The D.A. Takes a Chance by Erle Stanley Gardner; She Walks Alone by Helen McCloy; Voice Out of Darkness by Ursula Curtiss [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
Cover image from Pocket Books edition of 1954 [pb54.845] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. New York: Pocket Books, 1954. 201p. mass market pbk. No. 1010. Cover image via LibraryThing. [References] WorldCat [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
[he56.1674] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. London: Heinemann, 1956. 244p. hardcover. Cover like the Morrow edition. [References] WorldCat British Library [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
[tb57.1226] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. London: Thriller Book Club, 1957. 212p. hardcover. Same cover as the Morrow edition; jacket spine is white. Usually the Thriller Book Club did its own jacket illustrations for Gardner's books. [References] WorldCat [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
Cover image from Pan edition of 1958 [pa58.577] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. London: Pan, 1958. 187p. mass market pbk. Cover by Sam Peffer Pan G135. Cover image via PAN Paperback Collectors. [References] WorldCat British Library [Images] PAN Collectors Site with artist materials [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
Cover image from Pocket Books edition of 1958 [pb58.846] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. New York: Pocket Books, 1958. mass market pbk. 1010. Later printing, date uncertain. Cover image via [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
Cover image from Pocket Books edition of 1958(?) [pb58a.1576] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. New York: Pocket Books, 1958(?). 201p. mass market pbk. Cardinal C-293. Cover image via [References] WorldCat [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
[wd62.1675] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. London: World Distributors, 1962. 223p. mass market pbk. Consul Books. no. 1122 [References] WorldCat British Library [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
Cover image from New English Library edition of 1968 [ne68.764] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. London: New English Library, 1968. 160p. mass market pbk. Cover image via Mr.G.D.Price. [References] WorldCat [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
[ae77.1678] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. Leyden, MA: Aeonian Press, 1977. hardcover. Isbn: 0884114376. [References] WorldCat [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris [ Isbn searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
[ch96.1326] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. Bath: Chivers, 1996. 298p. large print. Isbn: 0745139809. [References] WorldCat British Library [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris [ Isbn searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
Cover image from Murder Room edition of 2014 [mr14.1676] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. London: Murder Room, 2014. trade pkb. Isbn: 1471909425. [References] WorldCat [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris [ Isbn searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris
[th96.1677] Gardner, Erle Stanley. The D.A. Takes a Chance. Thorndike, ME: G.K. Hall & Co, 19916. large print. Isbn: 0783816340. [References] WorldCat [key word searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris [ Isbn searches] Abebooks Amazon Biblio Alibris