Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1979
- McMullen, Mary. Welcome to the Grave (Doubleday, 1979)
- Cromie, Alice. Lucky to Be Alive? (Simon & Schuster, 1978)
- Creasey, John. A Sharp Rise in Crime (Scribner, 1978)
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Detective Book Club for January 1979.
- Simenon, Georges. Maigret's Pipe (1978 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
- MacKenzie, Donald. Raven Settles a Score (1978 Houghton Mifflin)
- McMullen, Mary. The Man With Fifty Complaints (1978 Doubleday)
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Inner Circle for January/February 1979.
- Meynell, Lawrence. The Thirteen Trumpeters (1978 Stein & Day)
- Drummond, Ivor. A Stench Of Poppies (1978 St Martins)
- Anderson, J R L. A Sprig Of Sea Lavender (1979 St Martins)
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Detective Book Club for February 1979.
- Duncan, Robert L. Fire Storm (1978 Morrow)
- Ferrars, E X. Last Will And Testament (1978 Doubleday)
- Bagby, George. Guaranteed To Fade (1978 Doubleday)
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Detective Book Club for March 1979.
- Eberhart, Mignon G. The Bayou Road (1979 Random House)
- Kirk, Michael. Salvage Job (1979 Doubleday)
- Hallahan, William H. Keeper Of The Children (1978 Morrow)
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Inner Circle for March/April 1979.
Cop Cade is a Mystery Writers of American anthology edited by John Ball.
- Crisp, N J. The London Deal (1978 St Martins)
- Ball, John [editor]. Cop Cade (1978 Doubleday)
- Angus, Sylvia. Dead To Rites (1978 Crown)
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Inner Circle for March/April 1979.
- MacLeod, Charlotte. Rest You Merry (1978 Doubleday)
- Barry, Nora. Sherbourne's Folly (1978 Doubleday)
- Gage, Edwin. Phoenix No More (1978 Harper)
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Detective Book Club for April 1979.
- Johnston, Velda. The Silver Dolphin (1979 Dodd, Mead)
- Underwood, Michael. Anything But The Truth (1978 St Martins)
- Fish, Robert L. Pursuit (1978 Doubleday)
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Detective Book Club for May 1979.
- Charteris, Leslie. The Saint In Trouble (1978 Doubleday)
- McMullen, Mary. Welcome To The Grave (1979 Doubleday)
- Driscoll, Peter. Pangolin (1979 Lippincott)
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Inner Circle for May/June 1979.
- Alding, Peter. Murder Is Suspected (1977 Walker)
- Curtiss, Ursula. The Menace Within (1979 Dodd, Mead)
- Cromie, Alice. Lucky To Be Alive? (1978 Simon & Schuster)
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Detective Book Club for June 1979.
- Simenon, Georges. Maigret In Exile (1979 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
- Maling, Arthur. The Rheingold Route (1979 Harper)
- Millar, Margaret. The Murder Of Miranda (1979 Random House)_
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Detective Book Club for July 1979.
- Creasey, John. A Sharp Rise in Crime (1978 Scribner)
- Ehrlich, Max. Reincarnation in Venice (1979 Simon & Schuster)
- Stein, Aaron Marc. The Rolling Heads (1979 Doubleday)
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Inner Circle for July/August 1979.
- Yorke, Margaret. The Come-On (1978 Harper)
- Hill, Peter. The Enthusiast (1978 Houghton Mifflin)
- Goodrum, Charles. Carnage of the Realm (1979 Crown)
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Detective Book Club for August 1979.
- Fish, Robert L. A Gross Carriage Of Justice (1979 Doubleday )
- Ferrars, E X. In At The Kill (1979 Doubleday)
- Masterson, Whit. The Slow Gallows (1979 Dodd, Mead)
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Detective Book Club for September 1979.
- Deighton, Len. SS-GB (1979 Knopf)
- Keating, H R F. Inspector Ghote Draws The Line (1979 Doubleday)
- Gilbert, Michael. The Empty House (1978 Harper)
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Inner Circle for September/October 1979.
- Ashford, Jeffrey. The Anger Of Fear (1978 Walker)
- Barroll, Clare. A Strange Place For A Murder (1979 Scribner)
- Sladek, John. Invisible Green (1977 Walker)
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Inner Circle for September/October 1979.
- Simon, Roger L. Peking Duck (1979 Simon & Schuster)
- Jobson, Hamilton. To Die A Little (1979 St Martins)
- Burley, W J. Wycliffe And The Scapegoat (1979 Doubleday)
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Detective Book Club for October 1979.
- Canning, Victor. Birdcage (1978 Morrow)
- Bagley, Desmond. Flyaway (1979 Doubleday)
- Pentecost, Hugh. Random Killer (1979 Dodd, Mead)
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Detective Book Club for November 1979.
- Peters, Elizabeth. Summer Of The Dragon (1979 Dodd, Mead)
- Philips, Judson. Why Murder? (1979 Dodd, Mead)
- Knox, Bill. Live Bait (1979 Doubleday)
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Inner Circle for November/December 1979.
- Radley, Sheila. Death In The Morning (1979 Scribner)
- Webster, Noah. Incident In Iceland (1979 Doubleday)
- Quest, Erica. The October Cabaret (1979 Doubleday)
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Inner Circle for November/December 1979.
- Barnard, Robert. Death Of A Mystery Writer (1979 Scribner)
- Leather, Edwin. The Mozart Score (1979 Doubleday)
- Bruce, Leo. Death In Albert Park (1979 Scribner)
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Detective Book Club for December 1979.
- MacDonald, John D. The Green Ripper (1979 Lippincott)
- Charteris, Leslie. The Saint And The Templar Treasure (1979 Doubleday)
- Wilcox, Collin. Power Plays (1979 Random House)
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Promotional volume.
- Simenon, Georges. Maigret's Pipe (1978 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
- Johnston, Velda. The Hour Before Midnight (1978 Dodd, Mead)
- Ferrars, E X. Last Will And Testament (1978 Doubleday)
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Promotional volume.
- Charteris, Leslie. The Saint In Trouble (1978 Doubleday)
- Ehrlich, Max. Reincarnation in Venice (1979 Simon & Schuster)
- Johnston, Velda. The Silver Dolphin (1979 Dodd, Mead)
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