Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Yorke, Margaret. Admit to Murder (1990 Viking)
- Paul, Barbara. In-Laws and Outlaws (1990 Scribner)
- Doherty, P C. Serpent Amongst the Lilies (1990 St Martins) [Matthew Jankyn]
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Detective Book Club for 1990.
- Steed, Neville. Black Eye (1990 St Martins)
- Alexander, Gary. Kiet and the Golden Peacock (1989 St Martins) [Kiet]
- Page, Katherine Hall. The Body in the Belfry (1990 St Martins)
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Karl, M S. Death Notice (1990 St Martins) [Pete Brady]
- McQuillan, Karin. Deadly Safari (1990 St Martins)
- Holt, Hazel. Mrs. Mallory investigates (1989 St Martins)
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Lewis, Roy. The Devil is Dead (St Martins, 1990)
- Alexander, Gary. Kiet and the Opium War (St Martins, 1990)
- Hammond, Gerald. A Brace of Skeet (St Martins, 1989)
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Westlake, Donald E. Drowned Hope (1990 Mysterious Press) [Dortmunder]
- Wood, Ted. On the Inside (1990 Scribner) [Reid Bennett]
- Dobyns, Stephen. Saratoga Hexameter (1990 Viking) [Charlie Bradshaw]
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Detective Book Club for 1990.
- Babson, Marian. Encore Murder (1990 St Martins)
- Melville, James. The Bogus Buddha (1990 Scribner]
- Cornwell, Bernard. Crackdown (1990)
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Babson, Marian. In the Teeth of Adversity (1990 St Martins)
- Borthwick, J S. Bodies of Water (1990 St Martins)
- Ashford, Jeffrey. Conflict of Interests (1989 St Martins)
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Marston, Edward. The Merry Devils (1989 St Martins)
- Yaffe, James. Mom Meets Her Maker (1990 St Martins)
- Cook, Bob. Paper Chase (1989 St Martins)
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Detective Book Club for 1990.
- Pentecost, Hugh. Pattern for Terror (1990 Carroll & Graf) [Uncle George]
- Gollin, James. Broken Consort (1989 St Martins)
- Doherty, P C. Angel of Death (1990 St Martins) [Hugh Corbett]
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Hart, Roy. Robbed Blind (1990 St Martins)
- Roberts, Les. Snake Oil (1990 St Martins)
- Crider, Bill. Evil at the Root (1990 St Martins) [Dan Rhodes]
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Underwood, Michael. Rosa's Dilemma (1990 St Martins) [Rosa Epton]
- Gilbert, Michael. Anything for a Quiet Life (1990 Carroll & Graf)
- Martin, Lee. Deficit Ending (1990 St Martins) [Deb Ralston]
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Detective Book Club for 1990.
- Wright, Eric. A Sensitive Case (1990 Scribner) [Inspector Charlie Salter]
- McInerny, Ralph. Savings And Loam (1990 Atheneum) [Andrew Broom]
- Llewellyn, Caroline. The Lady Of The Labyrinth (1990 Scribner)
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Cullen, Robert. Soviet Sources (1990 Atlantic Monthly Press)
- Kaminsky, Stuart M. Poor Butterfly (1990 Mysterious Press) [Toby Peters]
- Zollinger, Norman. Lautrec (1990 Dutton)
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Deighton, Len. Spy Sinker (1990 Harper) [Samson]
- Keating, H R F. The Iciest Sin (1990 Mysterious Press) [Inspector Ghote]
- Jeffries, Roderic. Too Clever By Half (1990 St Martins) [Inspector Alvarez]
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Francis, Dick. Straight (1989 Putnam)
- Jovanovich, William. Money Trail (1990 Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich)
- Giroux, E X. Death for a Double (1990 St Martins)
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Radley, Sheila. This Way Out (1989 Scribner)
- Beechcroft, William. Pursuit of Fear (1990 Carroll & Graf)
- Berry, Carole. Good Night, Sweet Prince (1990 St Martins)
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Detective Book Club issue assigned to 1990
- Babson, Marian. Tourists Are for Trapping (1989 St Martins)
- Cleary, Jon. Babylon South (1989 Morrow)
- Dunlap, Susan. Diamond in the Buff (1990 St Martins) [Jill Smith]
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